Frequently Asked Questions

What is the relationship between Second Baptist Church and the Second Serving Foundation?

The Foundation was created by Second Baptist Church to further the ministries and missions work of Second Baptist and its partners.  The Foundation opens up avenues of giving that would not exist otherwise.  As its own 501(c)3 organization, the Foundation can receive funds from other foundations or non-profit entities who only give to such designated organizations.  The Foundation can easily process gifts of all types, such as land, life insurance policies, and other non-liquid assets.  The Foundation also exists for contributors who want to contribute to work that serves the common good but who might not want to give to an explicitly religious organization like Second Baptist. 

How are funds received by and distributed from the Foundation?

Before funds are sent to the Second Serving Foundation, the Board should be notified to expect the funds and to the intended purpose of the gift.  After initial approval, the funds can be mailed to the Foundation, transferred from a financial institution, or given through the giving page on this website. 

After the funds are received, the donor will submit a request for disbursement which will specify when and how the funds are to be spent. 

How are board members chosen and how does the board function?

Board members are chosen by the board and approved by majority vote of the members of Second Baptist Church.  Up to two board positions at any time are eligible to be filled by non-members of Second Baptist.  The Pastor of the church is an ex-officio member of the Board.

 The Board is responsible for the administrative oversight, fund management, and public engagement of the Foundation.  The board actively seeks partners who might contribute to our work.  The board works with donors to ensure funds are used as intended.


Does the Foundation have the right to refuse funds?

Yes.  The Foundation reserves the right to refuse any funds for purposes that do not fit the parameters of the Foundation.


Does the Foundation work with donors to ensure that funds are used for their intended purposes?

Yes.  The Foundation will work alongside donors in a synergistic relationship to achieve shared objectives.  The Board will strive to satisfy the requests and wishes of the donors.  If a gift cannot be used for stated purposes, the Foundation reserves the right to return the gift to the donor.